Membership benefits include:
- Access to Chicago-area press screenings and online/DVD screeners
- The opportunity to vote on our annual CIC Awards
- Participation in programming/hosting any CIC-led film and TV events
- Press accreditation opportunities at other local film and TV festivals
- Having links to your work posted on the CIC website and through our social media accounts
- Access to special-event screenings
- Access to special workshops
1. Residency within the Chicagoland area, specifically Cook, Lake, McHenry, DuPage, Kane, DeKalb, Kendall, Grundy, Will, and Kankakee counties in Illinois, Kenosha country in southeastern Wisconsin, and Lake, Porter, Newton, and Jasper counties in northwest Indiana.
2. Membership will require the applicant to have completed reviews based on the following:
- FILM WRITING APPLICANTS: Must have a minimum of 50 published film reviews of 400 words or more in length.
TV WRITING APPLICANTS: Must have a minimum of 50 published TV reviews of 400 words or more in length - FILM AUDIO APPLICANTS: Must have a minimum of 50 shows/podcasts of at least 15 minutes in length reviewing a minimum of 50 films in year
TV AUDIO APPLICANTS: Must have a minimum of 50 shows/podcasts of at least 15 minutes in length, reviewing a minimum of 50 titles per year - FILM VIDEO APPLICANTS: 50 videos of at least 5-minute length reviewing a total of 50 films a year.
TV VIDEO APPLICANTS: Must have a minimum of 50 videos of at least 5 minutes in length, reviewing a total of 50 titles per year. - APPLICANTS OF MULTIPLE PLATFORMS: Must show a combination of contributions that still total a minimum of 50 fully reviewed Film and/or TV content in a year.
- FOR ALL APPLICANTS: As per a part of our mission, 15% of your total reviews need to be from independent, foreign language, or documentary sources.
3. FOR ALL APPLICANTS: Review quality, professionalism, quality of outlet, audience reach, candidate statement, and other personal traits will also be taken into consideration and reviewed by our review board.
4. OPTIONAL FOR ALL APPLICANTS: To add to your application, you may submit a letter of reference or recommendation from an existing CIC member. Email this letter to [email protected] with your completed application.
If you are not a full-time film critic, but are considered a leading influence or contributor within the medium of film criticism, please consider applying as an Affiliate Member of CIC. Please use the following link for that separate application:
- Completed online form.
- Notification of receipt of Membership Application form and anticipated timetable for decision.
- Formal review of application and applicant’s work by the CIC Directors.
- Follow-up communication period to request further information, answer inquiries, or discuss a timetable for a decision.
- Personal communication of final decision. We stand by the guarantee that you will hear from us personally with either acceptance or denial.
- If approved to join, annual membership dues are $50 for full members and $25 for affiliate members, payable by check or PayPal.

Contact us [email protected]