1. So do you only write about “independent films?”
No! Our members pride themselves on writing about a diverse array of films, whether they be Hollywood, indie, foreign or even experimental. We strive to cover the best in cinema. To us, “independent” has to do with a state of mind rather than the state of a filmmaker’s budget.
2. So is an “independent film critic” one who writes for a website and doesn’t get paid?
Not necessarily. Our critics cover a wide variety of platforms. Some are full-time film critics who writes for a print and online publications while others are self-made and self-published. If you are passionate about film criticism and meet the membership criteria, we urge you to apply.
3. How are you different from other critics groups?
While there are many critics groups out there doing invaluable work, some of them also have a “boys’ club” mentality and show favoritism to critics who write for print publications. We aim to be different. We believe independence and diversity go hand-in-hand and are actively seeking to recruit female and minority critics. We are also open-minded and forward-thinking when it comes to new technology and new modes of criticism. We encourage critics who create video essays, podcasts and video blogs to apply.
4. What’s all this about putting on a film festival?
We intend to partner with a prominent local independent theater in order to host an ambitious annual film festival. Our members cover independent film festivals around the country and a future CIC Festival aims to present some of the best new independent films that we’ve seen that do not yet have distribution or have not yet played in Chicago.
5. Can you give me more incentives to join?
Of course! You can read the full list of membership benefits here.

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